GUARDIAN Antipiracy Barriers Available to Lease

May 11, 2015


Guardian Maritime announced that GUARDIAN antipiracy barriers are now available to lease.

A passive solution against the threat of piracy, GUARDIAN ship protection system provides worldwide 24/7 protection against stowaways, robbery and piracy for vessels, crew and cargo at sea, anchor or in port, as well as static installations such as oil rigs. Offering an affordable solution, with no initial outlay, the GUARDIAN leasing scheme provides the flexibility of a passive solution, at a fixed quarterly price.

David Stevens, Sales Director at Guardian Maritime, said, “In response to growing market demand, GUARDIAN is now available to lease, with immediate effect. As the only undefeated antipiracy deterrent, we can continue to offer security and peace of mind to vessel owners and operators, however now with the added benefit of much more flexible payment options. This makes GUARDIAN a very cost effective solution, with costs now comparable with the quarterly replacement cost for razor wire – without any risk of injury to crew or danger to the environment. Ultimately it means we at Guardian Maritime will be able to safeguard more seafarers, which has always been our motivation behind the product.”    
GUARDIAN is available worldwide, with stockists in Europe and Singapore, and manufacturing plants in Europe and South Africa. GUARDIAN is designed to cope in tropical temperatures, protecting a number of vessels in African regions however due to the changing face of piracy and recent environmental protests the threat is now spreading north, and finding increasing demand in the arctic region.  GUARDIAN can withstand temperatures from – 40 degrees up to +80 degrees.   The combined vessel and cargo value protected by GUARDIAN in excess of $22 billion, with over 4000 seafarers protected by GUARDIAN on average each day. 

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