Allianz: Top 5 Risks in Marine & Shipping

January 18, 2023

Allianz, a global commercial insurer, just released its 2023 Risk Barometer, which shows how 2,712 risk management experts from 94 countries ranked the top corporate risks. 

While the report offers insights on perceived global business risks in general, it also offers insights by industry sector. 

©Oleksii Fadieiev/AdobeStock
©Oleksii Fadieiev/AdobeStock

MarineLink's readers will be interested to see what's most important in "Marine and Shipping" in 2023, as shared by Allianz. 

The number one risk in "Marine and Shipping" in 2023 is "Fire, explosion." This is followed by: Changes in legislation and regulation; Cyber Incidents; Business Interruption; and Natural Catastrophes.

Credit: Allianz

According to the Risk Barometer's findings, cyber incidents and business interruption are at the top of the list of global risks overall.

Credit: Allianz

Read the full report here.

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