Aker BioMarine's Krill Transportation Vessel Launched in China

September 17, 2020

China's shipbuilder CIMC Raffles has launched the Antarctic Provider, a vessel being built for Norway's krill harvesting company Aker BioMarine.

The launching ceremony for the krill transport vessel built by CIMC Raffles Offshore Ltd. was held Thursday at CIMC Raffles Yantai base.  

Credit: CIMC Raffles
Credit: CIMC Raffles
Credit: CIMC Raffles
Credit: CIMC Raffles

The 167.6 meters long Antarctic Provider will be used mainly for krill transportation between the Antarctic fishing area and South American ports. It will also provide the fuel supply for fishing vessels, and crew changes.

Aker BioMarine has said that the Antarctic Provider will replace a leased vessel, reduce OPEX, and increase catch capacity due to more logistics capacity.

According to CIMC, the vessel has four high-capacity cargo holds with a gross capacity of up to 40,000 cubic meters. It will also have a moveable crane on top of each cargo hold, being able to handle loading and unloading operations in the harsh Antarctic environment.

The vessel will be equipped with a hybrid power propulsion system and will have an advanced heat recovery system.

Per available information, the vessel is expected to be delivered to Aker BioMarine in 2021.

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