ABS Assigned RO Status by Canada

March 14, 2019

ABS announced it was assigned Recognized Organization (RO) status by the Canadian Department of National Defense (DND). 

ABS is now authorized to survey non-combatant vessels and undertake certification activities in key hazard areas identified by the Naval Ship Code.

Photo courtesy of ABS
Photo courtesy of ABS

“ABS was selected as the exclusive classification organization for all non-combatant vessels in service with the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) in 2017 before expanding our class and certification services to the entire Canadian Coast Guard fleet in 2018—and now we have been assigned RO status by the DND,” said James Watson, ABS Senior Vice President, Global Government. 

ABS will provide classification services for the Kingston-class and the Orca-class ships, the Auxiliary vessels plus the new Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships and future Joint Support Ships.

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