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Hong Kong Shipowner Issues Funds to Detained Vessel

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

August 19, 2016

 The owners of Five Stars Fujian have at last paid for much-needed supplies to the Hong Kong vessel, which has been detained by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority since August 12, reports local media.

The Five Stars Fujian has been detained off the port of Gladstone in  by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority after inspectors found the company had breached the Maritime Labour Convention over the insufficient food and unpaid wages for the Chinese crew.
Local Australian media and Great Britain's Guardian newspaper reported earlier this week that the capsesize class coal carrier, has been sitting in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef for the past month with supplies diminishing and salaries going unpaid.
The crew members of the 2009-built 180,000dwt bulk carrier informed ITF inspectors they have not been paid for more than two months and basic food supplies were due to run out this week.
According to SCMP, the bulk carrier, reportedly containing A$40 million (HK$238 million) worth of coal from the Port of Hay Point, south of Mackay, is owned by the Hong Kong-registered Five Stars Fujian Shipping Company, of which mainlander Zheng Wenhe, from Fujian province, is the only director.
Zheng, who is experiencing financial difficulties, is currently on the mainland and has been urged by various parties to resupply the ship immediately and settle the unpaid wages.
The ship's owner is reportedly suffering economic difficulties, and is unable to pay the crew or re-provision the ship. But the Hong Kong Shipowners Association (HKSOA) is extremely concerned about the welfare of the seafarers on the vessel, the association said in a press release.
“The Hong Kong Shipowners Association, while recognising that Hong Kong has not yet had ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention extended to it by China, is extremely concerned about the welfare of the seafarers on the ship, and urges the Hong Kong Government… provide all necessary assistance to the seafarers,” the statement said.
Under the present circumstances, the Five Stars Fujian, with its 20 Mainland Chinese crew will not be released until Five Stars Fujian Shipping fulfil other obligations, including the unpaid wages of the crew.