Marine Link
Monday, July 22, 2024

Australian Ports on Tropical Cyclone Alert

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

January 20, 2015


The ports of Port Hedland, Broome and Dampier have advised of precautions being taken in light of a Tropical Low which is expected to develop into a Tropical Cyclone last night.

The Tropical Low is positioned just east of Derby and tracking WSW'ly towards the coast. The low is now expected to move over open water and develop into a Tropical Cyclone later tonight, before tracking parallel to the Pilbara coast during Tuesday (20 January).

Port Hedland's Harbour Master advises that the port will commence anchorage evacuation this morning and inner harbour evacuations this afternoon following scheduled sailings on the morning high tide. Terminals are to liaise with PPA to identify vessels that will cease cargo and require re-berthing after all clear.

The Broome Harbour Master has declared the port closed for shipping until further notice from 0500 hours local time today (19 January). Only vessels on cyclone moorings are to remain in port and should make immediate contact Broome Port on VHF 14 stating how many persons on board.

The Port of Dampier is now at Cyclone Response Stage 3 – Clear Port. The port will commence clearing the Port and Anchorages of all large vessels, with a view to having all large vessels clear of port limits, 12 hours prior to the onset of gale force winds. This time frame is designed to ensure adequate margins of safety, and to provide ships adequate time to clear the coast.

Rio Tinto Berths will be clear by 1500 today.

Woodside berths will be clear by 1200 today.

Mermaid Marine berths will be clear by 1500 today.

All port anchorages, (inner and outer) will be clear by 1500 today.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at [email protected]