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Fairmount Alpine News

16 Jan 2015

Fairmount Delivers Cargo Barge to Allseas

Photo: Fairmount Marine

Large cargo barge Iron Lady 1 has been delivered to Allseas in Rotterdam by oceangoing tug Fairmount Alpine.   Barge Iron Lady 1, which measures 200 meters long and 58 meters wide, was delivered after a voyage of 14,800 nautical miles at an average speed of 6.5 knots. Fairmount Alpine departed from Shanghai mid-August with Iron Lady 1 on tow and sailed via Cape of Good Hope to Rotterdam. During the voyage, bunkers were taken at Singapore, Mauritius and along the African coast.

29 Apr 2014

Fairmount Tugs Deliver Rig to Singapore

Photo courtesy Fairmount Marine

Fairmount Marine, a Rotterdam-based marine contractor for ocean towage and heavy lift transportation, announced that its tugs Fairmount Summit and Fairmount Alpine towed rig ENSCO 5006 more than 13,000 miles from Cyprus to Singapore. Before the departure off Limasol, Cyprus, both Fairmount tugs performed anchor handling work for the rig. On request of its owners cargo and crew runs were done during a stop off Las Palmas and a bunker stop was made at Port Nqgura, South Africa. Transit speeds up to 9 knots were reached during part of the voyage.

29 Aug 2013

“Floating Gas Plant” Toscana Delivered

Photo: Fairmount

Tugs Fairmount Summit and Fairmount Alpine have delivered the very first “floating gas plant” in the world, the FSRU Toscana, safely offshore Livorno, Italy. The Toscana, a one of a kind unit, was towed from Dubai via Malta where final equipment was installed. After delivering the Toscana, both Fairmount tugs assisted in mooring the unit to her six pre installed anchors. The Toscana is a so-called floating, storage and re-gasification unit (FSRU) which is now moored 12 miles offshore Livorno and will be used as a terminal and export point for liquefied natural gas (LNG).

26 Feb 2013

Fairmount Alpine Delivers Emma Maersk in Palermo

Photo: Fairmount

Super tug Fairmount Alpine has delivered the container vessel Emma Maersk at Fincantieri’s repair yard in Palermo, Sicily. To tow the 398 meter long 156,907 DWT Emma Maersk towards Palermo Fairmount Marine was contracted by Maersk Line. Tug Fairmount Alpine happened to be in the eastern Mediterranean area and was promptly mobilized to Port Said, where Emma Maersk has discharged her cargo at the Suez Channel Container Terminal. Fairmount Alpine and Emma Maersk left Port Said on Sunday February 17 for the 1,276 miles voyage to Palermo, where the convoy arrived on Monday February 25.

29 Jan 2013

Fairmount Tugs Deliver Noble Tamar Jacket

'Tamar' on Tow: Photo credit Fairmount

'Fairmount Summit' & 'Fairmount Alpine' tow laden barge from Corpus Christi US to Mediterranean offshore field. Both tugs towed the barge on which the 18,500 ton jacket was loaded from the US to the field South-East of Cyprus. In Corpus Christi the jacket was loaded on Heerema Marine Contractor's 260 meters long barge H-851, the world’s largest launch and cargo barge. From this port the convoy set sail for the 9,000 miles voyage, which took only 54 days at an average speed of 6.9 knots to deliver the barge in the Tamar field.

23 Jul 2012

Fairmount Alpine Towed Drifting MV Elbcarrier into Safety

Fairmount Marine’s tug Fairmount Alpine has towed MV Elbcarrier safely into a Guatemalan port after the vessel was drifting off the South-East Mexican isle Cozumel. The container vessel Elbcarrier got into troubles after motor failure. Fairmount Alpine was mobilized from the port of Kingston, Jamaica. The tug arrived at the location of the Elbcarrier within 36 hours and was able to connect in short time. Fairmount Alpine towed the Elbcarrier to Santo Tomas de Castilla, Guatemala. The voyage of just 321 nautical miles took only two days, with an average speed of 6.4 knots. The Elbcarrier is a 139.6 meters long German owned container vessel flying the flag of Antigua & Barbuda and build in 2007.

16 May 2012

Fairmount Alpine Towed Rig Ocean Whittington to Gulf

Fairmount Marine’s tug Fairmount Alpine has towed the rig Ocean Whittington from offshore Belem, Brazil, to offshore Galveston, US. For this job Fairmount Marine was contracted by the rigs owner, Diamond Offshore Drilling, for which Fairmount has performed a series of towages in recent years. Ocean Whittington is a semi submersible drilling rig for deep water operations. The rig has worked offshore the northern Brazilian coast since 2009. To tow the rig to the Gulf Fairmount Marine mobilized tug Fairmount Alpine…

14 Mar 2012

Fairmount Alpine Provides Escort Service

The tug Fairmount Alpine has performed escort services for a bulk carrier at the request of international salvage company Smit Salvage. The bulker suffered structural damages while in Brazil. Smit contracted Fairmount Marine for first stand-by and, later, as escort during the trans-Atlantic crossing of the bulk carrier. When contracted in December, Fairmount Marine mobilized super class tug Fairmount Alpine from Jamaica to Brazil. When arrived in Brazil, after a stop in Trinidad for supplies, the Fairmount Alpine was ordered to be stand-by for safety precaution. The Fairmount Alpine also assisted the salvage team with some cargo runs. After almost two months, Fairmount Alpine was requested to escort the bulk carrier during her trans-Atlantic voyage from Brazil to Walvis Bay, Namibia.

19 Dec 2011

Wrecked Ship MV Ikan Sepat Refloated

Fairmount Marine’s tug Fairmount Alpine has successfully assisted in the refloating of the grounded MV Ikan Sepat just offshore Puerto Cortés, Honduras. (Photo: Fairmount Marine)

Fairmount Marine’s tug Fairmount Alpine has successfully assisted in the refloating of the grounded MV Ikan Sepat just offshore Puerto Cortés, Honduras. The salvage operation was directed by T&T Bisso Salvage. The MV Ikan Sepat is a 180m long, 28,503 DWT bulk carrier flying the Singapore flag. The vessel was grounded in the approach of the port of Puerto Cortés, located at the Gulf of Honduras in the northwest of the country. During mobilization of the Fairmount Alpine from Jamaica specialists from Fairmount Marine discussed the salvage operation with T&T Bisso’s salvage master.

07 Oct 2011

Fairmount Alpine delivers rig Ocean Yorktown in Gulf

Fairmount Marine’s tug Fairmount Alpine has delivered the semi submergible drilling rig Ocean Yorktown safely in Brownsville, US, after a 5,400 miles tow from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fairmount Marine was contracted in July by Diamond Offshore, a leading deepwater drilling contractor headquartered in Houston, to tow the semi submersible drilling rig Ocean Yorktown to the Mexican Gulf region. South Africa. The tug was instructed to mobilize towards Ro de Janeiro. Upon arrival in…

07 Oct 2011

Fairmount Alpine Delivers Rig to US GOM

Ocean Yorktown

Fairmount Marine’s tug Fairmount Alpine has delivered the semi submergible drilling rig Ocean Yorktown safely in Brownsville, US, after a 5,400 miles tow from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fairmount Marine was contracted in July by Diamond Offshore, a leading deepwater drilling contractor headquartered in Houston, to tow the semi submersible drilling rig Ocean Yorktown to the Mexican Gulf region. At that moment Fairmount Alpine just finished a special survey in Durban, South Africa. The tug was instructed to mobilize towards Ro de Janeiro.

11 May 2011

Fairmount Tugs Deliver FPSO Pazflor

A specialized team lead by Fairmount Marine has completed successfully the tow, mooring and positioning hook-up of the floating production storage and offloading unit (FPSO) Pazflor offshore Angola. Earlier Fairmount’s powerful tugs Fairmount Expedition, Fairmount Glacier and Fairmount Alpine have towed FPSO Pazflor from Korea to Angola. After arrival offshore Angola the 30 man team of Fairmount Marine connected the FPSO Pazflor to its moorings, while the three Fairmount tugs together with a fourth, chartered tug have kept the Pazflor in position.

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